Here we have provided answers to frequently asked questions from our customers.

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

Basic questions about servers

The SIDATA team has prepared a list of questions that may be of interest to customers

There are several types of servers.

  • Virtual servers (VPS)
  • Dedicated servers (Dedicated)
  • Cloud structure (cloud)

The choice is made according to several parameters that can significantly facilitate or, on the contrary, complicate the life of the company.

Main selection criteria:

  • Performance (CPU, Memory, Disk)
  • Fault tolerance (availability of backup copies, clusters, redundant circuits)
  • Traffic speed (Network)
  • Price

Professional configuration of each SIDATA server will ensure maximum performance and stability.

How to decide on the operating system for your server? This does not require special technical skills, just contact the support service and SIDATA specialists will help you.

If necessary, you can replace the operating system on your server!

  • Automatically without data transfer, that is, all data will be deleted and a new operating system of your choice will be installed.
  • By contacting the support service to manually replace the operating system with the transfer of all existing data on the server (an additional invoice may be issued)

All SIDATA servers are protected by full daily scheduled backups. The copy period is 7 days. 

In case of loss of information, upon request to the support service, it is possible to fully restore the server on any of the 7 days you choose.

The service is absolutely free!

SIDATA data centers are accredited according to the TIER III standard, which automatically guarantees the use of three power circuits - one main (“from the socket”) and plus two standby ones from generators.

All servers SIDATA built on the most modern and productive professional solutions of world brands Intel, AMD, DELL, Cisco. All equipment is carefully tested and guarantees trouble-free operation for a long time.

From a VPS server business point of view, these are ready-made solutions that do not require extra costs!

Dedicated servers have more power, but also require significantly more fixed costs. The main thing you need to understand when choosing a Dedicated Server is that there must be a high-ranking specialist to maintain the Dedicated Server. In this case, SIDATA recommends ordering a server administration package  https://sidata.com.ua/ua/admin-services/

In all tariff plans virtual servers clients are provided with a web-console for full server management, including the ability to connect their own image of the operating system and install it on the server.

If necessary, you can change the server plan or add more disk space.

All SIDATA virtual VPS servers are provided with daily backups, the storage period of which is 7 days.

Windows Server related issues

The main differences are the presence of newer optimization mechanisms.

Server resource requirements.

All virtual servers running the Windows operating system are immediately available for connection via the standard RDP (Remote Desktop) protocol.

To connect to the server, press the button "Start", Further "All programs", then "Standard” and looking for “Remote Desktop Connection".

There is another way. You need to press a combination of keys Win+R and in the window that opens, type mstsc.

Option number 1
Windows 7Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ 1

Windows 10Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ 2
Option number 2. Applicable to all versions of Windows.

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After performing these not tricky manipulations, you will see a window for connecting to a remote desktop.

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ 4
In line "A computer”you need to specify the ip-address and port of the server to which you want to connect in the format: “IP_ADDRESS:PORT“.

IP-address, connection port and other accesses are sent to your contact mail.
If you have entered the correct ip-address, you will see the following window:

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ 5

Here you need to enter your username and password. After that press “OK”.

After installing Windows Server, only one account is available to you - Administrator. But often the server is needed for the simultaneous work of several people. In such cases, you need to add additional users to the system - provided that you have already configured a terminal server and connected the required number of RDP licenses. First, connect to the server via RDP under the user Administrator.

In Windows Server to console Computer management can be accessed from the context menu by right-clicking on the menu Start

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ 6


  • Creating a new user

In the Computer Management console, select the section Local Users and Groups (1) then Users (2), Additional actions (3), New user (4):

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In the form for adding a new user, specify the account name in English or any other language (it will be used to log in). Optionally, you can specify the full name and description of the user. Next, enter the password of the new user, observing the requirements for security and complexity of the password - from 8 characters, 1 capital letter, 1 small letter, 1 special character. Then confirm the password.

Option “Require password change at next login"you can disable and add"Password does not expire“, if you do not want to change your password every month and a half:

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ 8

  • Enabling New User Access in Remote Desktop

Double-click on the name of the created user (1), select the tab Group membership (2), button Add (3), Additionally (4):

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ 9

Click Search (5), find and select a group Remote Desktop Users (6), confirm OK (7):

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Confirm your choice twice with the buttons OK (8), (9):

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ 11

  1. Open the start menu and click on gear icon.
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  2. Click Time and language.
    Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ 13
  3. Click Language on the left panel.
    Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ 14
  4. On the Language screen on the right, tap Add language.
    Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ 15 NOTE. If your language appears in the Preferred Languages section, click on it and then on the top arrow to move it up and skip to step 8.

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  5. On the Select Language to Install screen, select a language from the list and click Further. This step uses Japanese as an example.
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  6. On the Install Language Features screen, make sure all items are selected and click Install.
    Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ 18
  7. If the system can connect to the Internet, the download and installation of the language pack will begin.
    Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ 19 If your system is offline in which you cannot connect to the Internet, download and install the language pack ISO image using method 2 in Microsoft technical information.
    After installation, return to step 5, select the language and click the button Further. If the following message is displayed, ignore it and press the button Install.
    You are currently offline. After connecting, go to the "Language Settings" section, select a language from the list, select "Options" and complete the download.

    Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ 20

  8. Click Parameters added language.
    Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ 21
  9. On the "Language Options:" screen, check if "Installed Language Pack" is displayed under "Language Pack" and click on left arrow icon in the top left corner.
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  10. On the Language screen, select a language from the Windows display languages drop-down menu and click date and time on the left panel.
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  11. On the screen date and time select your timezone from the dropdown menu Timezone.
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  12. Click Region in the left pane and select a region from the Country or Region drop-down menu.
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  13. On the Region screen, scroll down and select Additional settings for date, time and region in the Related Settings section.
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  14. In the Clock & Region window, click Region.
    Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ 27
  15. In the "Region" window, open the tab Administration and press Copy settings See the Welcome screen and new user accounts section.
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  16. On the welcome screen and settings screen for new user accounts, select all the items under "Copy current settings to" and click OK.
    Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ 15 If the dialog box asks you to restart, click Cancel at this step.

    Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ 30

  17. On the Administration tab screen, click Change system language See the "Non-Unicode Program Language" section.
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  18. On the Region Settings screen, select a region from the Current Regional System Settings drop-down menu and click OK.
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  19. A dialog box will ask you to restart, click Reload Nowto restart the system.
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  20. After the reboot is complete, check if the interface language, for example, on the login screen, has been changed to the selected language.

Open the Start menu and click on the user icon, in the menu that opens, select "Change account settings".

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In the opened window "Options" choose “Login Options”, and in the Password section click on the button Change.

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In a new window, specify the current password and click on the button Further.

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The window will refresh and ask for a new password, its confirmation, and a password hint. Click on the next button. Finally, click on the button Ready. The next login will be with a new password.

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