How to organize a company's work in the cloud?

In our time, when those who did not even know about such a possibility in principle work remotely, the problem of organizing this remote work becomes urgent. You are no longer tied to your usual office, but you need to maintain productivity, so today we will share in an article about our service such as data migration to the cloud.

Cloud office

What you usually did at your computer, in your convenient place and comfortable chair, you now do at home or in a cafe, but now your team is not with you in the office, but scattered around the country, or even the world.

More and more businesses are moving to the cloud, and there are certain advantages to this:

  • Flexibility in paying for cloud services. Scalability.
  • The provider provides modern technologies for cloud servers.
  • High data protection, even during failures.
  • There is no need to purchase expensive equipment for the office; the provider offers optimal prices. You save.
  • Employees can work remotely, the main thing is stable Internet access.
  • Your data is always safe.
  • All services are accessible and mobile.
  • Free backup for 7 days.
  • All remote access is protected against data loss.
  • Even if you lose your work computer, your data will be saved because the virtual desktop is stored in the cloud.

With the cloud migration service, you will solve all the issues with creating virtual workplaces. Your employees will be able to work from home as if they were in the office. You can set up virtual desktops, all connected to the same cloud server. The package also includes the organization of a network connection such as VPN or VLAN, installation and access control to the operating system (RDP).

Which employees can work in the cloud?

The capabilities of the cloud allow you to create remote access for any employees, departments and teams. Especially it concerns:

  • Development teams
  • Accounting Department
  • Legal department
  • Marketing and Sales Department
  • HR department

What is usually hosted in the cloud?

As we have already said, everything your company needs can be hosted in the cloud. Here are some examples:

  • Corporate mail
  • Specialized software
  • CRM or ERP systems
  • IP telephony
  • Financial reporting software
  • Accounting
  • Physical devices in the office
  • Archives

Essentially, your real office turns into a virtual one. Every employee will have the opportunity to work effectively as a team, even if they don't see those people, and not have to worry about data security.

Moving to the cloud is easier than it seems

Many people think that moving to the cloud is something complicated and time-consuming. In fact, everything is simpler than you think. The process is divided into three stages:


At SIDATA, we first understand your situation and create a migration plan completely tailored to your needs. You can do both full and partial migration. Sometimes a hybrid solution is connected to enhance security and expand the capabilities of the current infrastructure.

Transfer data and applications

You can do this step yourself or trust us, we already know all the intricacies of the process. Migration usually takes place quickly and in an orderly manner.

Administration and support

Your IT department isn't always ready to manage virtual servers on its own. That's why we often take care of everything administration and provide 24/7 support for any questions.

How much does it cost to rent a cloud?

Before migrating to the cloud, there are a couple of key questions you need to answer:

How many people will work in the cloud?

Calculate current needs. On average, one employee needs at least 1 gigabyte of RAM. More employees - more resources.

Which data center to choose?

You can choose a data center in Ukraine or abroad. When choosing, consider reliability, availability, energy efficiency, security, connectivity and certification. These factors directly affect the safety of your data. 

The answers to these questions will determine the configuration of your cloud solution. SIDATA offers configurations based on Intel and AMD, both on the Windows and Linux operating systems, as well as 5 reliable data centers in Europe (Germany, the Netherlands, Finland, France) and the USA.

Remote security

When a company switches to the cloud for remote access, there are always questions about data safety and security. Failures in the cloud are rare, but if something goes wrong, backup will save the situation:

  • Data protection using virtualization.
  • Save space and traffic in the cloud.
  • System Recovery even in the most difficult cases.
  • Scalability thanks to automatic load balancing and distributed architecture.

SIDATA pays special attention to creating and maintaining backup copies of all data and remote desktops, which ensures the stability of business processes.

Why is it worth taking a trial period?

If your company has not yet worked with cloud systems, you should definitely try different options and choose what suits you.

SIDATA offers a 5 day trial period. You can choose any configuration and evaluate how the cloud and our technical support work. Our consultant will help you choose the appropriate configuration.

Now, when it is important to ensure remote work, the cloud is becoming the best solution. After all, this not only helps with finances, but also takes care of the health of employees.

Even if you have not dealt with cloud solutions before, our SIDATA team will help you personalize the implementation of technology in your processes. We monitor every step of implementation and are ready to make changes as necessary. Details about our processes are available on the website or in consultation with our specialist.

Order migration to the cloud

Migrate to the cloud without stopping your business processes.

How to organize a company's work in the cloud?