How does Telegram help track events in BAS accounting systems?

Today, the use of BAS accounting systems integrated with CRM, websites or other third-party resources is an integral part of business in Ukraine and in the world in general. Previously, tracking of important events in the systems was provided by operators who controlled the status of orders. Managers were responsible for the availability of goods in warehouses and performed many other operations related to the operational activities of the company. Thus, the speed and efficiency of accepting changes in accounting systems depended on the operator and the power of the IT structure itself, in particular the server on which the BAS database was installed.

An example of using a bot to automate a warehouse, where orders from a large online clothing store were completed

The algorithm looks like this:
  • orders are received from CRM into picking;
  • they are tracked by the operator in the list of orders in the BAS database;
  • submits the order for processing.
But this operation is not performed every 10-20 seconds, so there is a certain time delay. Although this time seems insignificant, the business loses money. These include wages for workers, warehouse costs and many other related expenses. In addition, the human factor should be taken into account, because the manager cannot continuously look at the monitor. And here the latest technologies come to the rescue, in particular automatic notification in the Telegram messenger installed on a smartphone or PC when there is a change or new order in your system. This simple solution helps to quickly respond to an event even without being near a computer, when an employee, for example, moves around the train or discusses work issues with colleagues. How does this improve the productivity of the picking system? In certain companies this reduced the time by 10%, and in others by 15-20%.

An example of using a bot to track orders and transfer remaining goods from a warehouse to a store website

Another example of using a telegram bot is to follow the transfer of an order from the BAS accounting system to another third-party system, such as the system of a partner or supplier. Monitoring the correctness of the transmission is extremely important, and the response time must be fast. With such a tool, the operator will be able to quickly respond to these events and make business-optimal decisions. The bot can also be effective for a system that tracks the transfer of remaining goods from the warehouse accounting system to the website where the goods are directly sold. Here we are dealing with a large amount of data that is transferred when exporting remaining goods to a website using the https protocol. The frequency cannot be less than the transmission time of the data packet, and the update interval for the balances is about an hour. In this case, it is important that the operator can monitor the exchange without extra effort, and the telegram bot provides him with this opportunity. Our clients switched to telegram bot notifications, even having data exchange systems based on postal services, because this is a more convenient tool than mail. Telegram chatbots can provide answers to typical questions from potential buyers and clear, understandable explanations of services/products, send information about the company’s operating conditions, etc.; collect data about users, their preferences and purchases and, in the future, provide personalized recommendations on existing products or new products. Making purchases is possible simply in the messenger in a few clicks. These tools can be used in many enterprises, because to use them you only need to have a smartphone with Telegram installed on it.